My favorite accomplishments? Smiling! He is the BEST smiler and loves to greet me with a smile after naps. It is amazing, so much so that I don't want to leave its golden glow to grab the camera so thus far there are no pics, so just take my word for it. Here are some other wonderful smiles:

I am not a fan of tummy time (because Gideon isn't) but I do it (occasionally) and Gideon gets stronger everytime. Recently he showed me how well he can hold up his head, do push ups, and cry all at the same time!
Aunt Crystal sent another box of goodies (the lady constantly makes my day) that included these great rings that I hung up over Gideon's play mat. Within minutes he had grabbed on tight and the next day he even pulled them into his mouth!

The other day we discovered that Gideon also likes to read books. Well okay have them read to him but still, it's good. I of course went on Amazon and immediately ordered five more board books.

While not proficient at rolling over during tummy time, the little genius has figure out how to roll over on mommy (thus negating tummy to tummy time). He buries his head in my armpit and swings his legs around until he is on hos back or side. Clever right?
He also tracks mommy and daddy with is eyes from a surprising distance, yells, coos, grabs Stella's beard, sleeps in his crib at night, goes down easily for naps (most of the time), takes naps during the day, kicks with purpose (especially when we play "kick mommy"), and makes it very hard for Mac to go to work (he says this everyday as he comes back for a second and third slobbery kiss before heading out the door). I can not believe that he will be accomplishing even more soon! Slow down little guy.
I have organized my Picasa albums so that you can view each month of Gideon's growth here and there are some great videos (including some serious chattyness and a rousing game of "kick mama") here

The other day we discovered that Gideon also likes to read books. Well okay have them read to him but still, it's good. I of course went on Amazon and immediately ordered five more board books.

While not proficient at rolling over during tummy time, the little genius has figure out how to roll over on mommy (thus negating tummy to tummy time). He buries his head in my armpit and swings his legs around until he is on hos back or side. Clever right?
He also tracks mommy and daddy with is eyes from a surprising distance, yells, coos, grabs Stella's beard, sleeps in his crib at night, goes down easily for naps (most of the time), takes naps during the day, kicks with purpose (especially when we play "kick mommy"), and makes it very hard for Mac to go to work (he says this everyday as he comes back for a second and third slobbery kiss before heading out the door). I can not believe that he will be accomplishing even more soon! Slow down little guy.
I have organized my Picasa albums so that you can view each month of Gideon's growth here and there are some great videos (including some serious chattyness and a rousing game of "kick mama") here
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