We took Gideon to see Santa over the weekend and the pictures turned out pretty cute! The city where we live hosts Santa at the homestead museum (a little house that is a reproduction of what life was like at the time of the city's founding) every year; this was our first year to participate but I think we will make it a tradition. Gideon discovered toy catalogs in the mail not to long ago and picked out a robot weeks ago that he wanted from Santa. It was so cute to see him get shy with Santa but he did remember to ask for his robot!

It is easy to forget how much Gideon has grown but then I see this and I don't know if I should laugh or cry; he is so cute but he isnt that sweet little baby anymore either
After our picture and some Christmas crafts we went outside and took a few more pictures with Mac's phone. It was rainy and cold but Gideon looked so dapper and the surroundings were so interesting we just had to capture a few moments
He is like a miniature Mac Edwards don't you think?
My little snuggle bug
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