Yesterday was my sister-in-law's baby shower and it further reinforced a sneaking suspicion I have had for some time, babies need stuff. Like clothes and beds and love. It also reminded me that I have the love covered but no stuff.
This morning the husbandit and I got up early and went to Ikea for breakfast (this is one of the Edwardseses favorite past times) and to peruse the baby things. We found several items that we would like to use in Baby Mack's room, like cloud light fixtures and leafy canopies.

While there I also found out that the bandit has never been to Babies R' Us. How can this be? So our next stop was said "R' Us" so I could show him all of the aforementioned stuff that is available for the Spud. We looked at strollers, car seats, exersaucers, swings, pack n' plays, bedding, cribs, gliders (a nice pit stop) and LOTS OF CLOTHES.

I think we may have found some crib bedding that Mac and I agree on which surprised me; I didn't think Mac liked anything available in stores and so I have spent a decent amount of time lately looking at dinosaur themed fabric on Etsy. It may have been the fact that he was able to see the bedding on the crib in person that really made the difference but Mac really liked a Carter's set (of course) that matches some Carter's swings and what not that I have had my eye on with bumblebees and snails in a nice calming green and yellow. In true husbandit form, one of his favorite parts of the bedding was how it felt. I think it is likely our son will be the same way. Turns out the set is a Babies R Us exclusive and surprisingly, reasonably priced.

On the clothes front, Mac found a onesie to bring the baby home from the hospital in. It was on sale so we bought it today and I spent a good amount of time when we got home looking at it and exclaiming "It's so small!" I actually think it looks big for being a size "newborn" but I agree with Mac that it is extra cute and worthy of putting on our baby for his first car ride. The best part is that the little footie feet have dinosaur claws on them.

When we got home I sat down to evaluate what we have and have not made decisions about and I am actually pleasantly surprised. We think we have actually found a crib we agree on at Target (Mac and I both have strong opinions about color and design so when it comes to home decor there is a lot of pre-purchase discussion and research that has to take place before any final decisions are made). The plan for next weekend is to get all of the non baby stuff (ie everything) out of the nursery (guest room) and get all of the baby stuff (furniture we stole from the neighbors garage when they moved out in the middle of the night to dodge their mortgage payment) out of the garage and into the nursery so we can evaluate what we have (and don't have). Hopefully that will give me some peace of mind and help sooth my inner nesting beast.
Now I need to go paint my toenails Colts blue in time for the Colts/Giants game tonite (or as I like to call it big Manning v. little Manning) and rearrange some seating charts for next week. The Norrises are bringing over nachos for the game tonite, Spud and I can't wait!