That evening we met Dad and Debbie at Uncle Buck's (next to the Bass Pro Shop of course) for a DELICIOUS and very relaxing dinner. Unfortunately the stepping stone "Gideon" made for Dad wasn't done curing (darn cement) but he was very impressed by the pictures and seemed to enjoy the company :)

Mac's Dad came over Monday evening for pizza and watching the Rangers game. He and Gideon had a ball playing but Gideon totally exhausted himself and was asleep before 7:15. Luckily he stayed awake long enough to see Grandpa JJ open the mug "Gideon" made for him (i.e. we traced his hands and baked).

So all in all not a bad first Father's Day, I am looking forward to next year when Gideon will be a little more aware (I am also sad that my baby is getting older).
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