Monday, September 24, 2012

Stomach Plague

We have now experienced our first stomach plague and may be inducted into the club of parents who have been covered in several different kinds of contagious bodily fluids and who have perfected their bathroom run through the gauntlet of children's toys and items you are trying to save from the aforementioned fluids.  I won't go into details but I would like to make an official request that it never happen again.  The projectile phase lasted about 12 hours but the miserable phase went on for days, poor kiddo.  I suffer from emetophobia which makes me a particularly bad mother in these situations so I was relegated to vomit clean up, tons of laundry, and trips to the store for pedialyte, rice, and bananas... and panic attacks, lots of those.  Mac was a rockstar, Gideon and I are both incredibly lucky to be loved and cared for by such a wonderful daddy and husband.

Luckily you can't keep Gideon down for long and as soon as he felt strong enough he executed a perfect dork move by spending a significant period of time walking around inside the hamper.

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