Yesterday and today have been full of excitement! At 3:03 pm on 10/01/10 (a palindrome!) Mac and I got a new niece! Even though she is 4 weeks early she is healthy and happy and 7.5 pounds! I got to hold and love on her today and I must say she is a particularly attractive baby. I am not just saying this because we are related, she is genuinely adorable and not at all alien-like. Very impressive and somewhat intimidating; Baby Mack definitely will have some competition in the adorable department. It is crazy to me how much our family has grown in such a short period of time. I remember when my siblings and I were the "kids" of the family, now I have two nieces, a nephew and a whole slew of second cousins; I could not be happier. Mac is on cloud nine, he held her yesterday at the hospital and totally took 3 turns at holding her today. He is such a proud uncle. After some initial blood pressure concerns and some soreness and pain due to a c-section Maggie seems to be doing pretty well. It is interesting to me that her blood pressure didn't lower significantly until she was finally able to see her baby and I am beyond annoyed that it took them 5 HOURS to bring the baby in. My blood pressure would have been high too.
Soon (hopefully very soon) baby boy Q will be here with his own quirks, joys and , of course, changes. I am sure the time will then fly straight to the arrival of Baby Mac who will change our lives forever. When I put the dogs out this evening there was a distinct chill in the air and it hit me that this will be our last fall as "just the two of us". The largest and loudest part of me can't wait to share the holidays, school shopping and sweater weather with our son but a small voice is also mourning the passing of our very selfish and introverted life together. I wish I could slow time down for just a moment and let my husband, friends, and family know how much I have appreciated their part in the life that I am currently leading AND how grateful I am that they will influence the man that my son will be.
I suppose the weather change always makes me somewhat introspective and melancholy but such is the way of the seasons right?
Okay time for bed. It has been a long and happy couple of days and I am ready for a sleep.
The Adams's always have such a beautiful way with words :) I always enjoy reading your blogging
ReplyDeleteTime will fly even faster once Baby Mack comes! It continues to make me melancholy with Lyla at how much you lose and how quickly... but it's all in fair trade for awesomeness. :)
ReplyDeleteWe love you!