Well oops, I have gotten behind. If it makes you feel any better this is not the only place I have been neglecting (i.e. my messy house). Since my last post I finished my student teaching and Mac has been busy working on the nursery.

I am so glad to be done with working, I loved my classes and mentor but I was TIRED. I am not certain why nature thought it would be a good idea to keep pregnant women from getting good sleep in their 3rd trimester. Maybe someday when I am older I will get the joke but for now I am just annoyed. Unfortunately I am the worst napper ever. Sleep during the day just doesn't happen for me no matter how hard I try. There is always a combination of guilt and curiosity that keeps me awake. I desperately hope that Gideon gets his daddy's ability to fall asleep anywhere (I was once walking across campus and came upon my husband sleeping under a tree, true story). This all means that I am kind of a zombie during the day and shouldn't be allowed to operate a motor vehicle or shopping cart. To that end I have been trying to accomplish all of my Christmas shopping online. Speaking of, my friend Michelle sent out an email about her annual wrapping party and I had to decline because I have NO PRESENTS TO WRAP. I felt like such a loser, especially since I ALWAYS love the wrapping party. I immediately set out to rectify the situation (on my computer) and have made some definite headway.
Yesterday we had a doctor appointment and we finally got an ultrasound! We haven't seen our little boy since 20 weeks! Unfortunately I made the mistake of telling out tech that I am a high school science teacher. >sigh< she spent the whole time talking (complaining) about her son's science teacher and telling me how gifted he is. I am happy to talk about teaching but this was kind of supposed to be about my son. I had to interrupt her to ask how big he is and if my cervix and placenta look alright. She took a sec to answer my questions and then it was right back to blah blah blah my son is an overachiever blah blah he shouldn't have to do group work blah blah. Then she highlights the baby's face on the screen and goes into 3D! I had no idea she was going to do that, or that she even COULD do that! After an hour of listening to her talk we ended up with 4 pictures, but I love the pictures so it was all worth it. Gideon weighs around 4 pounds, 6 ounces, and is measuring 2 weeks ahead. He also has the cutest and chubbiest cheeks ever.

The nursery is looking really great. Mac has REALLY outdone himself already and his ambition is pretty much boundless. I imagine he will only be stopped by the arrival of our child. So far he has repaired water damage to the ceiling, filled in cracks in the walls (the foundation has been repaired but not all of the damage inside the house was taken care of before we moved in), took down the old ceiling fan and hung a new one, pulled up the old baseboards, scraped the popcorn off of the ceiling, re-stained the window sill, painted the window frame, and painted the room with a perfect strip of light blue at the top and dark blue at the bottom. Today he is pulling up the old carpet and then we are going to a showroom to look at cork flooring. I am very excited about cork because it is totally sustainable (made from tree bark and doesn't harm the tree), insulating (temperature and sound), soft underfoot, naturally fire, allergen and insect resistant, and it is considered an environmentally safe, low-emitting, material. Pretty sweet! We came across it while looking at bamboo flooring and after doing a little research determined it was the right flooring for us. Now we just have to choose a pattern and get it in the room. Turns out there is a 2 week lead time on flooring and since the baby is due in less that 2 months we need to get a move on. Also on the "to-do" list for the nursery is repainting the closet, hanging new closet shelves, installing new lights (purchased yesterday at Ikea!) putting in new baseboards and of course, putting together all of the furniture.
This is making me tired.
Okay time to get going on the day!
Mac is superdad already! Is he learning how to do this as he goes?