Hello blog. I have gotten behind in updating you, which has made me dread updating you which causes me to fall even further behind. So, I have decided to give myself a break and make this a quick and painless update.
Christmas was wonderful. We went to my in-laws in the morning, received a bounty of gifts (we made out like bandits!) for which we are extremely grateful, relaxed with family over cinnamon and orange rolls, and even got in some very quality Peyton time. Next we went to my mom's where we video chatted with my brother and his family in Seattle (so cool to actually get to see them opening presents!), ate delicious ham (I want more ham), opened thoughtful gifts (thank you!), and took family pictures in front of the tree. The next day we drove out to my dad and Debbie's house for pork loin, presents, and more relaxing conversation. I am SOOOO grateful that the holidays with all of my family (in-laws included) are filled with comfort and joy. It took me many years to get over many of the insecurities and anxieties that kept me from enjoying simple moments (and to be honest that is always something I can work on), it was a difficult journey but I feel like it was worth it to be able to enjoy family gatherings so much!
Now that Christmas is over it is time to clean my house. I am pretty big these days so bending over is almost entirely out of the question. For me cleaning has mostly consisted of I kicking stuff into orderly piles for Mac to take upstairs for me. Of course Mac is currently too busy using his entire week off for nursery projects to pick up said piles but when he does find the time the piles will be waiting. Speaking of nursery projects, since the last post Mac has laid the cork flooring, raised the ceiling fan (turns out tall people were not safe in the nursery), put together the crib and changing table, installed 4 ceiling lights (thanks to the help of Mr Cossabone), sanded and stained the new baseboards, and started refinishing the dresser. Oh, and last night he picked up my stranded brother, took out his dead car battery, took him to get a new battery, and installed the new battery. So like I said, no time for picking up piles, and those piles can definitely wait. :)
Here is a slide show of how far the nursery has come!
I am feelin' ya on the falling-behind-on-the-blog blues.
ReplyDeleteNursery looks great! It's really coming along! It won't be long now!!!!!!!!!!!!